18 August, 2012 - 12:58

Daniel Alves: ‘Pep is definitely better than Mourinho, because he’s beaten him’

Daniel Alves: ‘Pep is definitely better than Mourinho, because he’s beaten him’

Barcelona midfielder Daniel Alves believes his team is definitely the best in the world and remains the team to beat.

Alves underlined Barcelona carries the mark of the world champions and they would like to win as many tournament s as possible.

The player noted that previous Barcelona coach Pep Guardiola is better than Mourinho, saying that: ‘Pep is much better than Mourinho, because he’s beaten him. He’s not the ‘Anti-One’;I believe he comes before the ‘One’.

The Brazilian right back stated his personal rivalry with Madrid started when he rejected their offer, going to Barcelona instead. The player added: ‘That’s their problem. When I appeared in Barcelona, they completely changed their views about me at Madrid. Instead of playing for Real Madrid, I play for the best club in the world and that is Barcelona”.

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18 August 2012, 13:31

well, right now Madrid looks better

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18 August 2012, 14:12

Totally agree with Alves, I mean, not sure if it's due to Guardiola, but Barcelona has been absolutely amazing for some 5 last years. Undoubtedly the best team ever!!!!!

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