Blogs – new service for users! premium

Dear users, we are happy to introduce a new service on our site – User Blogs!
Private supporter’s blog on is an online diary that reflects original attitude towards any football events. Blogs are subject to moderation according to Site regulations and User agreement.
Is it an official blog of the project?
Yes, user is an official administration representative. Further on this user will be publishing the latest news related to project development.
How do I start my blog on
First you need to register on the site. Once you are registered you can click the ‘Blog’ tab in your profile.
In the opened window click ‘Add entry’. Fill in the form of entry adding. The blog will be created automatically upon saving the first entry.
Can I add blog entries to different categories?
Yes. Let’s say you are writing ‘Predictions’ for England and France matches and indicate both of these categories while creating the entry. This means users will find your posting in both categories.
Can I give an original name to my blog?
Unfortunately, it’s not available at the moment, but we are planning to introduce such an option in the nearest future.
Where can I read entries from all the blogs?
In 'All blogs' section.
What is a category?
Category is a filter to help you search for the topics you want.
Who introduces categories?
Project administration.
Do I have to add a player or a club to the entry?
Not at all, but in this case fewer people will find out about your favorite player.
What do I have to fill upon adding an entry to the blog?
Just the title and text. All other fields are not required for adding and editing the blog.
Can users comment on my entries?
Of course, and publish them in social networks as well.
Can I add photo and video to my entry?
Yes. Use entry adding and editing form to upload the main and additional images. To add video from YouTube you need to simply copy the URL and drag it to ‘YouTube link’ icon and press ‘Ok’.
Where will other users see photo and video to my entry?
In the entry itself and in the gallery. Just like in this introducing entry.