16 July, 2012 - 15:42

Euro 2012 was less profitable for UEFA than the tournament held in 2008

Euro 2012 was less profitable for UEFA than the tournament held in 2008

Despite high attendance numbers, record-breaking level of media and commercial rights sold to various companies UEFA claims earning 250 million euros less comparing to Euro held four years ago.

At the conference in Kyiv the UEFA Chief Operating Officer Martin Kellen claimed that the major European football body received around 1,4 billion euros which is more than UEFA got after the championship held in Switzerland and Austria, but at the same time the association spend more during the preparation stage.

The exact figures will be presented only in spring 2013, yet the UEFA officials stated that the governing body received 837 million euros from media rights, 101 million euros in corporate hospitality, 315 million euros from commercial rights and 130 million euros from ticketing.

According to the report, the stadiums were filled up to 98,6 percent, while generally around 1,44 million people frequented all matches.

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