Sebastián Bruno Fernández Miglierina plays for Málaga CF and the national team of Uruguay on a position of a striker.
His career as a footballer started at Miramar Misiones in 2004. Having spent 2 seasons with 75 appearances and 21 goals there he joined Defensor Sporting. One season for the new club was enough for him to make 32 appearances and score 15 goals thus securing the 3rd title of the champions of Uruguay.
Since the summer of 2008 Sebastián performed for Banfield in Argentina. They became champions for the first time in their history owing to good coordinate actions of the footballer and his position-mate Santiago Silva. 61 games on a good level with 12 goals couldn’t but attract attention of scouts from Europe.
In 2010 it was officially announced about his transfer to Málaga. Fernández became the most expensive signing of the Spanish side. Through the two seasons with the Spanish squad the forward has played 62 matches and celebrated 12 goals.
Sebastián Fernández spent his first game for the national team of Uruguay in the spring of 2006 in a game against Romania where Sebastián appeared as a late substitute. He played two more games in May of 2008 against Norway and Turkey. During the next season he was involved in a friendly against Algeria as a substitute on the 82nd minute. The first goal scored by Fernández for his national team came in a friendly against China on October 12, 2010.
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