4 March, 2013 - 07:42

Genoa head coach: “Common sense is the exception rather than the rule in Italian football“

Genoa head coach: “Common sense is the exception rather than the rule in Italian football“

Davide Ballardini says his sending-off during the match against Roma was not fair.

Genoa head coach Davide Ballardini received red card in the second half of the game against Roma for inappropriate behavior after the tactician started arguing with the referee. Yet the manager harshly criticized the decision after the game, claiming that he was yelling at his players.

“I was telling my players to put the ball out of play, seeing as Daniel Osvaldo had been down injured for some time,” insisted Ballardini.

“Referee Gervasoni then sent me off. I don’t see what I had done wrong. I think the first rule ought to be to show common sense, but it’s evident that common sense is the exception rather than the rule in Italy,” stated Ballardini  .

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