6 August, 2012 - 09:28

Vidic is back after nine months out of game

Vidic is back after nine months out of game

Finally recovering from knee injury received in December Nemanja Vidic appeared on the pitch in the game against the Norwegian team Valerenga in Oslo.

Vidic played alongside Rio Ferdinand in the friendly that ended in a draw. After the match he stated he was pleased to play, adding the game ‘was a very good test. Although the result was not as the team expected but we had many chances. I reckon it was a really useful game and a good test for our side.’

Vidic also said his knee did not cause any troubles for him during the game: ‘The knee felt well and I was happy about that. I hope every game [it] will be better and better.’

The defender revealed it was difficult to be out for so long without playing, yet he claimed he was determined to return to his peak form as soon as possible, explaining: ‘Obviously it’s difficult but it’s a part of the football life and career of any sportsman. He should be ready to risk injuries, yet I believe this is the past and the better days of my career are coming.’

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